The Amazing AMAZONAS!
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Dateline: Brazil, 1977:

An enterprising Daniel Rodriguez sets about to fill the gap left in the Brazilian marketplace, caused by a trade embargo, for a large, dependable motorcycle. The result, born of ingenuity and a readily available supply of Volkswagen drive trains, is the AMAZONAS.

1981 AME Amazonas, featured in Cycle Canada, September, 1981.
This is the earliest year of Amazonas I have a photo of. As soon as I laid eyes on it, it was love at first sight. To my way of thinking, this was the nicest year and most likely would have found a following among the traditionalist crowd in North America.

Front cover, 1984 product brochure:

Another Chevette Page and learn about GM's World Car of the 70's. Information on racing, custom and V6 conversion.

March 29, 2001
Dedicated to the rare and unusual motorcycle produced by
Amazonas Motocicletas Especiais Ltda.

NEWS FLASH!! Amazonas resurrected! Visit this site:

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